am‑cor Residential

Custom & Prefab Residential Home Kits by am-cor inc.: Single & Multi-Family Homes/Townhouses, Apartments buildings, DIY, Low Cost, Affordable. Have it ready in a weekend!

Ferrocement Application
The Sys­tem

The am-cor Sys­tem is the world's first com­pre­hens­ive pre-en­gin­eered, pre­fab­ric­ated, pan­el­ized hous­ing sys­tem. Each am-cor Kit provides the en­tire struc­ture of a build­ing:

  • found­a­tions,
  • columns & beams,
  • roofs, over­hangs, sloped sur­faces,
  • walls & par­ti­tions,
  • rail­ings & stairs,
  • floors, bal­conies and bay win­dows.

These struc­tur­al ele­ments are uni­fied & in­teg­rated to­geth­er by the amcorite Ferrocement skin, which forms a single unibody shell. The com­pleted struc­ture is strong enough to en­dure hur­ricanes, storm surges, and earth­quakes, and is also fire, ver­min, in­sect, termite, mold, mil­dew, fungus, and rot res­ist­ant. For more in­form­a­tion on the am-cor Sys­tem, see our System Overview.

Safe & Healthy Homes

We take your health ser­i­ously!


Keep your fam­ily & chil­dren's health safe from dan­ger­ous chem­ic­als and carino­gens. The am-cor Sys­tem con­tains no VOCs (Volat­ile Or­gan­ic Com­pounds), to pol­lute the air in your home.


Keep your life & be­long­ings safe from fire & fire & smoke dam­age. am-cor Kit ma­ter­i­als are fire­proof, and do not out-gas un­der high heat.

Fireproof exteriors
Pest Free

  • No mice, rats, or oth­er ver­min
  • No in­sects, roaches, or ter­mites
  • No mold, mil­dew, fungus

In­sects, an­im­als, and mold & fungus eat or­gan­ic ma­ter­i­als, such as the sug­ar in wood. These pests are a danger to not only your build­ing but also your health. Con­stant ex­pos­ure to pois­ons used in ex­term­in­at­ing these pests is also dan­ger­ous to your health, and ex­pens­ive! The am-cor Sys­tem con­tains noth­ing to har­bor or sus­tain these pests, keep­ing you and your fam­ily safe & healthy.

En­ergy Sav­ings

When it comes to in­su­la­tion, the am-cor Sys­tem is flex­ible, al­low­ing dif­fer­ent solu­tions for each situ­ation. The amcorite Ferrocement Car­bon steel skin is seam­lessly wraps around your am-cor home, form­ing a con­tinu­ous bar­ri­er to air in­filt­ra­tion and heat trans­fer. All in­su­la­tions work well in am-cor walls and roofs - achiev­ing their max­im­um R-rat­ing. Be­cause am-cor walls and roofs have cav­it­ies, in­su­la­tion, ser­vices, and re­new­able en­ergy sys­tems can eas­ily be in­teg­rated in­to an am-cor struc­tur­al shell.

See our Insulation sec­tion for more.

Flood Resistant Basement
Base­ments & Found­a­tions

You can build an am-cor house, town­house, or apart­ment on a slope. We en­gin­eer our Kits for to in­clude re­tain­ing walls and base­ment walls, all in­teg­rated with the rest of the struc­ture us­ing amcorite Ferrocement. Sub­grade walls are wa­ter­proofed with stand­ard found­a­tion coat­ing. Gal­van­ized steel frame in­teri­ors are ready for ser­vices and fin­ishes in case you want to use your base­ment as liv­ing area.

Ready to build?

Have a ques­tion? You can contact us, see some fin­ished and un­der con­struc­tion homes in our Galleries, and get star­ted on your pro­ject in the Build It sec­tion.

Build­ing Smart

We pre­fab­ric­ate an am-cor Kit for your new home, based on di­men­sioned floor­plans (from one of our standard Kits or your own cus­tom design). The Kit is shipped to your site, un­loaded, and speedily as­sembled. am-cor Kits can be as­sembled in a single day, from found­a­tions to walls to roof, in­to a struc­tur­al shell.

am-cor Kits use con­sid­er­ably less ma­ter­i­al & labor than stand­ard con­struc­tion, and our pre­fab, pro­grammed con­struc­tion sched­ule saves money, time, and re­duces waste & costly mis­takes. Each am-cor Kit in­cludes a de­tailed Field Manu­al, which de­scribes each step of as­sembly & con­struc­tion.

The struc­tur­al shell of your home is fin­ished out by in­stalling:

  • Plumb­ing ser­vices & fix­tures
  • Elec­tric­al ser­vices & fix­tures
  • Your choice of in­su­la­tion
  • Cab­in­etry & in­teri­or doors
  • In­teri­or fin­ishes

The am-cor Sys­tem saves you time & money dur­ing this stage of con­struc­tion as well, since no drilling/chip­ping is re­quired to in­stall ser­vices in am-cor wall, floor, and roof cav­it­ies. The Sys­tem is flex­ible, in­teg­rat­ing with many dif­fer­ent types of in­su­la­tion; for more in­form­a­tion, see our Insulation sec­tion. Also, the am-cor Sys­tem provides built-in fur­ring to at­tached in­teri­or sur­faces - no ex­tra fur­ring out is re­quired.


In­ter­ested in an am-cor Res­id­ence? Read on for the be­ne­fits of build­ing your home with the am-cor Sys­tem.

Ferrocement Disaster Resistance
De­velopers & Con­tract­ors

If you're a De­veloper or Con­tract­or in­ter­ested in the cost & time sav­ings of con­struct­ing one or more build­ings with the am-cor Sys­tem, please see our Professional sec­tion.


You're an Own­er-Build­er if you:

  • want to build a single build­ing
  • are not a pro­fes­sion­al con­tract­or/de­veloper

If you want to build a new home or ad­di­tion, choose a plan from our standard Kit floorplans or design your own Cus­tom Kit. If you plan on man­aging or per­form­ing your pro­ject's con­struc­tion, check out our DIY sec­tion.