am-cor News

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Multistory Ferrocement High-rise

We've developed a new panelized structural method for multistory construction

Sept. 20, 2011

    The am-cor Hybrid Highrise structural method combines a prefabricated steel framework with the am-cor Ferrocement System, in order to create high-rise buildings using Ferrocement.

    By com­bin­ing 2 con­struc­tion sys­tems:

    • Pan­el­ized Fer­ro­ce­ment walls, roofs, and floors
    • Mod­u­lar steel main frame

    With the fol­low­ing con­struc­tion se­quence:

    • The steel frames are erec­ted, cre­at­ing beams and columns at each floor level
    • am-cor Fer­ro­ce­ment pan­els are in­teg­rated with the steel frame sub­strate, cre­at­ing a unibody hy­brid struc­ture


    This com­bin­a­tions res­ults in a struc­ture that is quickly built, from the in­side out: per­fect for tight or space re­stric­ted build­ing sites. Fire res­ist­ant Fer­ro­ce­ment pan­els pro­tect the steel frame from both flame and weath­er. The ex­ter­i­or ap­pear­ance is nor­mally of tex­tured tin­ted ce­ment, the same as con­crete and/or rendered ma­sonry; however, met­al, tile, stone, or ma­sonry ven­eers can be ad­ded to the pan­el fronts to achieve any de­sired design.