Privacy Policy

We don't sell your data

Pri­vacy Policy

Our Pri­vacy Policy was last up­dated on 2022-02-23.

This Pri­vacy Policy de­scribes Our policies and pro­ced­ures on the col­lec­tion, use and dis­clos­ure of Your in­form­a­tion when You use the Ser­vice and tells You about Your pri­vacy rights and how the law pro­tects You.

We use Your Per­son­al data to provide and im­prove the Ser­vice. By us­ing the Ser­vice, You agree to the col­lec­tion and use of in­form­a­tion in ac­cord­ance with this Pri­vacy Policy. This Pri­vacy Policy was gen­er­ated by Terms­Feed Pri­vacy Policy Tem­plate.

In­ter­pret­a­tion and Defin­i­tions


The words of which the ini­tial let­ter is cap­it­al­ized have mean­ings defined un­der the fol­low­ing con­di­tions. The fol­low­ing defin­i­tions shall have the same mean­ing re­gard­less of wheth­er they ap­pear in sin­gu­lar or in plur­al.


For the pur­poses of this Pri­vacy Policy:

  • "Ac­count" means a unique ac­count cre­ated for You to ac­cess our Ser­vice or parts of our Ser­vice.

  • "Busi­ness", for the pur­pose of the CCPA (Cali­for­nia Con­sumer Pri­vacy Act), refers to the Com­pany as the leg­al en­tity that col­lects Con­sumers' per­son­al in­form­a­tion and de­term­ines the pur­poses and means of the pro­cess­ing of Con­sumers' per­son­al in­form­a­tion, or on be­half of which such in­form­a­tion is col­lec­ted and that alone, or jointly with oth­ers, de­term­ines the pur­poses and means of the pro­cess­ing of con­sumers' per­son­al in­form­a­tion, that does busi­ness in the State of Cali­for­nia.

  • "Com­pany" (re­ferred to as either "the Com­pany", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agree­ment) refers to am-cor inc.

    For the pur­pose of the GDPR, the Com­pany is the Data Con­trol­ler.

  • "Coun­try" refers to USA.

  • "Con­sumer", for the pur­pose of the CCPA (Cali­for­nia Con­sumer Pri­vacy Act), means a nat­ur­al per­son who is a Cali­for­nia res­id­ent. A res­id­ent, as defined in the law, in­cludes (1) every in­di­vidu­al who is in the USA for oth­er than a tem­por­ary or trans­it­ory pur­pose, and (2) every in­di­vidu­al who is dom­i­ciled in the USA who is out­side the USA for a tem­por­ary or trans­it­ory pur­pose.

  • "Cook­ies" are small files that are placed on Your com­puter, mo­bile device or any oth­er device by a web­site, con­tain­ing the de­tails of Your brows­ing his­tory on that web­site among its many uses.

  • "Data Con­trol­ler", for the pur­poses of the GDPR (Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion), refers to the Com­pany as the leg­al per­son which alone or jointly with oth­ers de­term­ines the pur­poses and means of the pro­cess­ing of Per­son­al Data.

  • "Device" means any device that can ac­cess the Ser­vice such as a com­puter, a cell­phone or a di­git­al tab­let.

  • "Do Not Track" (DNT) is a concept that has been pro­moted by US reg­u­lat­ory au­thor­it­ies, in par­tic­u­lar the U.S. Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion (FTC), for the In­ter­net in­dustry to de­vel­op and im­ple­ment a mech­an­ism for al­low­ing in­ter­net users to con­trol the track­ing of their on­line act­iv­it­ies across web­sites.

  • "Per­son­al Data" is any in­form­a­tion that relates to an iden­ti­fied or iden­ti­fi­able in­di­vidu­al.

    For the pur­poses of GDPR, Per­son­al Data means any in­form­a­tion re­lat­ing to You such as a name, an iden­ti­fic­a­tion num­ber, loc­a­tion data, on­line iden­ti­fi­er or to one or more factors spe­cif­ic to the phys­ic­al, physiolo­gic­al, ge­net­ic, men­tal, eco­nom­ic, cul­tur­al or so­cial iden­tity.

    For the pur­poses of the CCPA, Per­son­al Data means any in­form­a­tion that iden­ti­fies, relates to, de­scribes or is cap­able of be­ing as­so­ci­ated with, or could reas­on­ably be linked, dir­ec­tly or in­dir­ec­tly, with You.

  • "Sale", for the pur­pose of the CCPA (Cali­for­nia Con­sumer Pri­vacy Act), means selling, rent­ing, re­leas­ing, dis­clos­ing, dis­sem­in­at­ing, mak­ing avail­able, trans­fer­ring, or oth­er­wise com­mu­nic­at­ing or­ally, in writ­ing, or by elec­tron­ic or oth­er means, a Con­sumer's per­son­al in­form­a­tion to an­oth­er busi­ness or a third party for mon­et­ary or oth­er valu­able con­sid­er­a­tion.

  • "Ser­vice" refers to the Web­site.

  • "Ser­vice Pro­vider" means any nat­ur­al or leg­al per­son who pro­cesses the data on be­half of the Com­pany. It refers to third-party com­pan­ies or in­di­vidu­als em­ployed by the Com­pany to fa­cil­it­ate the Ser­vice, to provide the Ser­vice on be­half of the Com­pany, to per­form ser­vices re­lated to the Ser­vice or to as­sist the Com­pany in ana­lyz­ing how the Ser­vice is used.
    For the pur­pose of the GDPR, Ser­vice Pro­viders are con­sidered Data Pro­cessors.

  • "Us­age Data" refers to data col­lec­ted auto­mat­ic­ally, either gen­er­ated by the use of the Ser­vice or from the Ser­vice in­fra­struc­ture it­self (for ex­ample, the dur­a­tion of a page vis­it).

  • "Web­site" refers to, ac­cess­ible from

  • "You" means the in­di­vidu­al ac­cess­ing or us­ing the Ser­vice, or the com­pany, or oth­er leg­al en­tity on be­half of which such in­di­vidu­al is ac­cess­ing or us­ing the Ser­vice, as ap­plic­able.

    Un­der GDPR (Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion), You can be re­ferred to as the Data Sub­ject or as the User as you are the in­di­vidu­al us­ing the Ser­vice.

Col­lect­ing and Us­ing Your Per­son­al Data

Types of Data Col­lec­ted

Per­son­al Data

While us­ing Our Ser­vice, We may ask You to provide Us with cer­tain per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­form­a­tion that can be used to con­tact or identi­fy You. Per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­form­a­tion may in­clude, but is not lim­ited to:

  • Email ad­dress

  • First name and last name

  • Phone num­ber

  • Ad­dress, State, Province, ZIP/Postal code, City

  • Us­age Data

Us­age Data

Us­age Data is col­lec­ted auto­mat­ic­ally when us­ing the Ser­vice.

Us­age Data may in­clude in­form­a­tion such as Your Device's In­ter­net Pro­tocol ad­dress (e.g. IP ad­dress), browser type, browser ver­sion, the pages of our Ser­vice that You vis­it, the time and date of Your vis­it, the time spent on those pages, unique device iden­ti­fi­ers and oth­er dia­gnost­ic data.

When You ac­cess the Ser­vice by or through a mo­bile device, We may col­lect cer­tain in­form­a­tion auto­mat­ic­ally, in­clud­ing, but not lim­ited to, the type of mo­bile device You use, Your mo­bile device unique ID, the IP ad­dress of Your mo­bile device, Your mo­bile op­er­at­ing sys­tem, the type of mo­bile In­ter­net browser You use, unique device iden­ti­fi­ers and oth­er dia­gnost­ic data.

We may also col­lect in­form­a­tion that Your browser sends whenev­er You vis­it our Ser­vice or when You ac­cess the Ser­vice by or through a mo­bile device.

Track­ing Tech­no­lo­gies and Cook­ies

We use Cook­ies and sim­il­ar track­ing tech­no­lo­gies to track the act­iv­ity on Our Ser­vice and store cer­tain in­form­a­tion. Track­ing tech­no­lo­gies used are beacons, tags, and scripts to col­lect and track in­form­a­tion and to im­prove and ana­lyze Our Ser­vice. The tech­no­lo­gies We use may in­clude:

  • Cook­ies or Browser Cook­ies. A cook­ie is a small file placed on Your Device. You can in­struct Your browser to re­fuse all Cook­ies or to in­dic­ate when a Cook­ie is be­ing sent. However, if You do not ac­cept Cook­ies, You may not be able to use some parts of our Ser­vice. Un­less you have ad­jus­ted Your browser set­ting so that it will re­fuse Cook­ies, our Ser­vice may use Cook­ies.
  • Web Beacons. Cer­tain sec­tions of our Ser­vice and our emails may con­tain small elec­tron­ic files known as web beacons (also re­ferred to as clear gifs, pixel tags, and single-pixel gifs) that per­mit the Com­pany, for ex­ample, to count users who have vis­ited those pages or opened an email and for oth­er re­lated web­site stat­ist­ics (for ex­ample, re­cord­ing the pop­ular­ity of a cer­tain sec­tion and veri­fy­ing sys­tem and serv­er in­teg­rity).

Cook­ies can be "Per­sist­ent" or "Ses­sion" Cook­ies. Per­sist­ent Cook­ies re­main on Your per­son­al com­puter or mo­bile device when You go off­line, while Ses­sion Cook­ies are de­leted as soon as You close Your web browser.

We use both Ses­sion and Per­sist­ent Cook­ies for the pur­poses set out be­low:

  • Ne­ces­sary / Es­sen­tial Cook­ies

    Type: Ses­sion Cook­ies

    Ad­min­istered by: Us

    Pur­pose: These Cook­ies are es­sen­tial to provide You with ser­vices avail­able through the Web­site and to en­able You to use some of its fea­tures. They help to au­then­tic­ate users and pre­vent fraud­u­lent use of user ac­counts. Without these Cook­ies, the ser­vices that You have asked for can­not be provided, and We only use these Cook­ies to provide You with those ser­vices.

  • Cook­ies Policy / No­tice Ac­cept­ance Cook­ies

    Type: Per­sist­ent Cook­ies

    Ad­min­istered by: Us

    Pur­pose: These Cook­ies identi­fy if users have ac­cep­ted the use of cook­ies on the Web­site.

  • Func­tion­al­ity Cook­ies

    Type: Per­sist­ent Cook­ies

    Ad­min­istered by: Us

    Pur­pose: These Cook­ies al­low us to re­mem­ber choices You make when You use the Web­site, such as re­mem­ber­ing your lo­gin de­tails or lan­guage pref­er­en­ce. The pur­pose of these Cook­ies is to provide You with a more per­son­al ex­per­i­en­ce and to avoid You hav­ing to re-enter your pref­er­en­ces every time You use the Web­site.

  • Track­ing and Per­form­ance Cook­ies

    Type: Per­sist­ent Cook­ies

    Ad­min­istered by: Third-Parties

    Pur­pose: These Cook­ies are used to track in­form­a­tion about traffic to the Web­site and how users use the Web­site. The in­form­a­tion gathered via these Cook­ies may dir­ec­tly or in­dir­ec­tly identi­fy you as an in­di­vidu­al vis­it­or. This is be­cause the in­form­a­tion col­lec­ted is typ­ic­ally linked to a pseud­onym­ous iden­ti­fi­er as­so­ci­ated with the device you use to ac­cess the Web­site. We may also use these Cook­ies to test new pages, fea­tures or new func­tion­al­ity of the Web­site to see how our users re­act to them.

For more in­form­a­tion about the cook­ies we use and your choices re­gard­ing cook­ies, please vis­it our Cook­ies Policy or the Cook­ies sec­tion of our Pri­vacy Policy.

Use of Your Per­son­al Data

The Com­pany may use Per­son­al Data for the fol­low­ing pur­poses:

  • To provide and main­tain our Ser­vice, in­clud­ing to mon­it­or the us­age of our Ser­vice.

  • To man­age Your Ac­count: to man­age Your re­gis­tra­tion as a user of the Ser­vice. The Per­son­al Data You provide can give You ac­cess to dif­fer­ent func­tion­al­it­ies of the Ser­vice that are avail­able to You as a re­gistered user.

  • For the per­form­ance of a con­tract: the de­vel­op­ment, com­pli­ance and un­der­tak­ing of the pur­chase con­tract for the products, items or ser­vices You have pur­chased or of any oth­er con­tract with Us through the Ser­vice.

  • To con­tact You: To con­tact You by email, tele­phone calls, SMS, or oth­er equi­val­ent forms of elec­tron­ic com­mu­nic­a­tion, such as a mo­bile ap­plic­a­tion's push no­ti­fic­a­tions re­gard­ing up­dates or in­form­at­ive com­mu­nic­a­tions re­lated to the func­tion­al­it­ies, products or con­trac­ted ser­vices, in­clud­ing the se­cur­ity up­dates, when ne­ces­sary or reas­on­able for their im­ple­ment­a­tion.

  • To provide You with news, spe­cial of­fers and gen­er­al in­form­a­tion about oth­er goods, ser­vices and events which we of­fer that are sim­il­ar to those that you have already pur­chased or en­quired about un­less You have op­ted not to re­ceive such in­form­a­tion.

  • To man­age Your re­quests: To at­tend and man­age Your re­quests to Us.

  • For busi­ness trans­fers: We may use Your in­form­a­tion to ev­al­u­ate or con­duct a mer­ger, di­vestit­ure, re­struc­tur­ing, re­or­gan­iz­a­tion, dis­sol­u­tion, or oth­er sale or trans­fer of some or all of Our as­sets, wheth­er as a go­ing con­cern or as part of bank­ruptcy, li­quid­a­tion, or sim­il­ar pro­ceed­ing, in which Per­son­al Data held by Us about our Ser­vice users is among the as­sets trans­ferred.

  • For oth­er pur­poses: We may use Your in­form­a­tion for oth­er pur­poses, such as data ana­lys­is, identi­fy­ing us­age trends, de­term­in­ing the ef­fect­ive­ness of our pro­mo­tion­al cam­paigns and to ev­al­u­ate and im­prove our Ser­vice, products, ser­vices, mar­ket­ing and your ex­per­i­en­ce.

We may share Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion in the fol­low­ing situ­ations:

  • With Ser­vice Pro­viders: We may share Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion with Ser­vice Pro­viders to mon­it­or and ana­lyze the use of our Ser­vice, for pay­ment pro­cess­ing, to con­tact You.
  • For busi­ness trans­fers: We may share or trans­fer Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion in con­nec­tion with, or dur­ing ne­go­ti­ations of, any mer­ger, sale of Com­pany as­sets, fin­an­cing, or ac­quis­i­tion of all or a por­tion of Our busi­ness to an­oth­er com­pany.
  • With Af­fil­i­ates: We may share Your in­form­a­tion with Our af­fil­i­ates, in which case we will re­quire those af­fil­i­ates to hon­or this Pri­vacy Policy. Af­fil­i­ates in­clude Our par­ent com­pany and any oth­er sub­si­di­ar­ies, joint ven­ture part­ners or oth­er com­pan­ies that We con­trol or that are un­der com­mon con­trol with Us.
  • With busi­ness part­ners: We may share Your in­form­a­tion with Our busi­ness part­ners to of­fer You cer­tain products, ser­vices or pro­mo­tions.
  • With oth­er users: when You share per­son­al in­form­a­tion or oth­er­wise in­ter­act in the pub­lic areas with oth­er users, such in­form­a­tion may be viewed by all users and may be pub­licly dis­trib­uted out­side.
  • With Your con­sent: We may dis­close Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion for any oth­er pur­pose with Your con­sent.

Re­ten­tion of Your Per­son­al Data

The Com­pany will re­tain Your Per­son­al Data only for as long as is ne­ces­sary for the pur­poses set out in this Pri­vacy Policy. We will re­tain and use Your Per­son­al Data to the ex­tent ne­ces­sary to com­ply with our leg­al ob­lig­a­tions (for ex­ample, if we are re­quired to re­tain your data to com­ply with ap­plic­able laws), re­solve dis­putes, and en­force our leg­al agree­ments and policies.

The Com­pany will also re­tain Us­age Data for in­tern­al ana­lys­is pur­poses. Us­age Data is gen­er­ally re­tained for a short­er peri­od of time, ex­cept when this data is used to strengthen the se­cur­ity or to im­prove the func­tion­al­ity of Our Ser­vice, or We are leg­ally ob­lig­ated to re­tain this data for longer time peri­ods.

Trans­fer of Your Per­son­al Data

Your in­form­a­tion, in­clud­ing Per­son­al Data, is pro­cessed at the Com­pany's op­er­at­ing of­fices and in any oth­er places where the parties in­volved in the pro­cess­ing are loc­ated. It means that this in­form­a­tion may be trans­ferred to — and main­tained on — com­puters loc­ated out­side of Your state, province, coun­try or oth­er gov­ern­ment­al jur­is­dic­tion where the data pro­tec­tion laws may dif­fer than those from Your jur­is­dic­tion.

Your con­sent to this Pri­vacy Policy fol­lowed by Your sub­mis­sion of such in­form­a­tion rep­res­ents Your agree­ment to that trans­fer.

The Com­pany will take all steps reas­on­ably ne­ces­sary to en­sure that Your data is treated se­curely and in ac­cord­ance with this Pri­vacy Policy and no trans­fer of Your Per­son­al Data will take place to an or­gan­iz­a­tion or a coun­try un­less there are ad­equate con­trols in place in­clud­ing the se­cur­ity of Your data and oth­er per­son­al in­form­a­tion.

Dis­clos­ure of Your Per­son­al Data

Busi­ness Trans­ac­tions

If the Com­pany is in­volved in a mer­ger, ac­quis­i­tion or as­set sale, Your Per­son­al Data may be trans­ferred. We will provide no­tice be­fore Your Per­son­al Data is trans­ferred and be­comes sub­ject to a dif­fer­ent Pri­vacy Policy.

Law en­force­ment

Un­der cer­tain cir­cum­stances, the Com­pany may be re­quired to dis­close Your Per­son­al Data if re­quired to do so by law or in re­sponse to val­id re­quests by pub­lic au­thor­it­ies (e.g. a court or a gov­ern­ment agency).

Oth­er leg­al re­quire­ments

The Com­pany may dis­close Your Per­son­al Data in the good faith be­lief that such ac­tion is ne­ces­sary to:

  • Com­ply with a leg­al ob­lig­a­tion
  • Pro­tect and de­fend the rights or prop­erty of the Com­pany
  • Pre­vent or in­vest­ig­ate pos­sible wrong­do­ing in con­nec­tion with the Ser­vice
  • Pro­tect the per­son­al safety of Users of the Ser­vice or the pub­lic
  • Pro­tect against leg­al li­ab­il­ity

Se­cur­ity of Your Per­son­al Data

The se­cur­ity of Your Per­son­al Data is im­port­ant to Us, but re­mem­ber that no meth­od of trans­mis­sion over the In­ter­net, or meth­od of elec­tron­ic stor­age is 100% se­cure. While We strive to use com­mer­cially ac­cept­able means to pro­tect Your Per­son­al Data, We can­not guar­an­tee its ab­so­lute se­cur­ity.

De­tailed In­form­a­tion on the Pro­cess­ing of Your Per­son­al Data

The Ser­vice Pro­viders We use may have ac­cess to Your Per­son­al Data. These third-party vendors col­lect, store, use, pro­cess and trans­fer in­form­a­tion about Your act­iv­ity on Our Ser­vice in ac­cord­ance with their Pri­vacy Policies.


We may use third-party Ser­vice pro­viders to mon­it­or and ana­lyze the use of our Ser­vice.

  • Google Ana­lyt­ics
  • Ahrefs

Email Mar­ket­ing

We may use Your Per­son­al Data to con­tact You with news­let­ters, mar­ket­ing or pro­mo­tion­al ma­ter­i­als and oth­er in­form­a­tion that may be of in­terest to You. You may opt-out of re­ceiv­ing any, or all, of these com­mu­nic­a­tions from Us by fol­low­ing the un­sub­scribe link or in­struc­tions provided in any email We send or by con­tact­ing Us.

  • None


We may provide paid products and/or ser­vices with­in the Ser­vice. In that case, we may use third-party ser­vices for pay­ment pro­cess­ing (e.g. pay­ment pro­cessors).

We will not store or col­lect Your pay­ment card de­tails. That in­form­a­tion is provided dir­ec­tly to Our third-party pay­ment pro­cessors whose use of Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion is gov­erned by their Pri­vacy Policy. These pay­ment pro­cessors ad­here to the stand­ar­ds set by PCI-DSS as man­aged by the PCI Se­cur­ity Stand­ar­ds Coun­cil, which is a joint ef­fort of brands like Visa, Mas­ter­card, Amer­ic­an Ex­press and Dis­cov­er. PCI-DSS re­quire­ments help en­sure the se­cure hand­ling of pay­ment in­form­a­tion.

  • PayP­al
  • Wise

GDPR Pri­vacy

Leg­al Basis for Pro­cess­ing Per­son­al Data un­der GDPR

We may pro­cess Per­son­al Data un­der the fol­low­ing con­di­tions:

  • Con­sent: You have giv­en Your con­sent for pro­cess­ing Per­son­al Data for one or more spe­cif­ic pur­poses.
  • Per­form­ance of a con­tract: Pro­vi­sion of Per­son­al Data is ne­ces­sary for the per­form­ance of an agree­ment with You and/or for any pre-con­trac­tu­al ob­lig­a­tions there­of.
  • Leg­al ob­lig­a­tions: Pro­cess­ing Per­son­al Data is ne­ces­sary for com­pli­ance with a leg­al ob­lig­a­tion to which the Com­pany is sub­ject.
  • Vi­tal in­terests: Pro­cess­ing Per­son­al Data is ne­ces­sary in or­der to pro­tect Your vi­tal in­terests or of an­oth­er nat­ur­al per­son.
  • Pub­lic in­terests: Pro­cess­ing Per­son­al Data is re­lated to a task that is car­ried out in the pub­lic in­terest or in the ex­er­cise of of­fi­cial au­thor­ity ves­ted in the Com­pany.
  • Le­git­im­ate in­terests: Pro­cess­ing Per­son­al Data is ne­ces­sary for the pur­poses of the le­git­im­ate in­terests pur­sued by the Com­pany.

In any case, the Com­pany will gladly help to cla­ri­fy the spe­cif­ic leg­al basis that ap­plies to the pro­cess­ing, and in par­tic­u­lar wheth­er the pro­vi­sion of Per­son­al Data is a stat­utory or con­trac­tu­al re­quire­ment, or a re­quire­ment ne­ces­sary to enter in­to a con­tract.

Your Rights un­der the GDPR

The Com­pany un­der­takes to re­spect the con­fid­en­ti­al­ity of Your Per­son­al Data and to guar­an­tee You can ex­er­cise Your rights.

You have the right un­der this Pri­vacy Policy, and by law if You are with­in the EU, to:

  • Re­quest ac­cess to Your Per­son­al Data. The right to ac­cess, up­date or de­lete the in­form­a­tion We have on You. Whenev­er made pos­sible, you can ac­cess, up­date or re­quest de­le­tion of Your Per­son­al Data dir­ec­tly with­in Your ac­count set­tings sec­tion. If you are un­able to per­form these ac­tions your­self, please con­tact Us to as­sist You. This also en­ables You to re­ceive a copy of the Per­son­al Data We hold about You.
  • Re­quest cor­rec­tion of the Per­son­al Data that We hold about You. You have the right to have any in­com­plete or in­ac­cur­ate in­form­a­tion We hold about You cor­rec­ted.
  • Ob­ject to pro­cess­ing of Your Per­son­al Data. This right ex­ists where We are re­ly­ing on a le­git­im­ate in­terest as the leg­al basis for Our pro­cess­ing and there is something about Your par­tic­u­lar situ­ation, which makes You want to ob­ject to our pro­cess­ing of Your Per­son­al Data on this ground. You also have the right to ob­ject where We are pro­cess­ing Your Per­son­al Data for dir­ect mar­ket­ing pur­poses.
  • Re­quest eras­ure of Your Per­son­al Data. You have the right to ask Us to de­lete or re­move Per­son­al Data when there is no good reas­on for Us to con­tin­ue pro­cess­ing it.
  • Re­quest the trans­fer of Your Per­son­al Data. We will provide to You, or to a third-party You have chosen, Your Per­son­al Data in a struc­tured, com­monly used, ma­chine-read­able format. Please note that this right only ap­plies to auto­mated in­form­a­tion which You ini­tially provided con­sent for Us to use or where We used the in­form­a­tion to per­form a con­tract with You.
  • With­draw Your con­sent. You have the right to with­draw Your con­sent on us­ing your Per­son­al Data. If You with­draw Your con­sent, We may not be able to provide You with ac­cess to cer­tain spe­cif­ic func­tion­al­it­ies of the Ser­vice.

Ex­er­cising of Your GDPR Data Pro­tec­tion Rights

You may ex­er­cise Your rights of ac­cess, rec­ti­fic­a­tion, can­cel­la­tion and op­pos­i­tion by con­tact­ing Us. Please note that we may ask You to veri­fy Your iden­tity be­fore re­spond­ing to such re­quests. If You make a re­quest, We will try our best to re­spond to You as soon as pos­sible.

You have the right to com­plain to a Data Pro­tec­tion Au­thor­ity about Our col­lec­tion and use of Your Per­son­al Data. For more in­form­a­tion, if You are in the European Eco­nom­ic Area (EEA), please con­tact Your loc­al data pro­tec­tion au­thor­ity in the EEA.

CCPA Pri­vacy

This pri­vacy no­tice sec­tion for Cali­for­nia res­id­ents sup­ple­ments the in­form­a­tion con­tained in Our Pri­vacy Policy and it ap­plies solely to all vis­it­ors, users, and oth­ers who reside in the State of Cali­for­nia.

Cat­egor­ies of Per­son­al In­form­a­tion Col­lec­ted

We col­lect in­form­a­tion that iden­ti­fies, relates to, de­scribes, ref­er­en­ces, is cap­able of be­ing as­so­ci­ated with, or could reas­on­ably be linked, dir­ec­tly or in­dir­ec­tly, with a par­tic­u­lar Con­sumer or Device. The fol­low­ing is a list of cat­egor­ies of per­son­al in­form­a­tion which we may col­lect or may have been col­lec­ted from Cali­for­nia res­id­ents with­in the last twelve (12) months.

Please note that the cat­egor­ies and ex­amples provided in the list be­low are those defined in the CCPA. This does not mean that all ex­amples of that cat­egory of per­son­al in­form­a­tion were in fact col­lec­ted by Us, but re­flects our good faith be­lief to the best of our know­ledge that some of that in­form­a­tion from the ap­plic­able cat­egory may be and may have been col­lec­ted. For ex­ample, cer­tain cat­egor­ies of per­son­al in­form­a­tion would only be col­lec­ted if You provided such per­son­al in­form­a­tion dir­ec­tly to Us.

  • Cat­egory A: Iden­ti­fi­ers.

    Ex­amples: A real name, ali­as, postal ad­dress, unique per­son­al iden­ti­fi­er, on­line iden­ti­fi­er, In­ter­net Pro­tocol ad­dress, email ad­dress, ac­count name, driver's li­cense num­ber, pass­port num­ber, or oth­er sim­il­ar iden­ti­fi­ers.

    Col­lec­ted: Yes.

  • Cat­egory B: Per­son­al in­form­a­tion cat­egor­ies lis­ted in the Cali­for­nia Cus­tom­er Re­cords stat­ute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)).

    Ex­amples: A name, sig­na­ture, So­cial Se­cur­ity num­ber, phys­ic­al char­ac­ter­ist­ics or de­scrip­tion, ad­dress, tele­phone num­ber, pass­port num­ber, driver's li­cense or state iden­ti­fic­a­tion card num­ber, in­sur­ance policy num­ber, edu­ca­tion, em­ploy­ment, em­ploy­ment his­tory, bank ac­count num­ber, cred­it card num­ber, deb­it card num­ber, or any oth­er fin­an­cial in­form­a­tion, med­ic­al in­form­a­tion, or health in­sur­ance in­form­a­tion. Some per­son­al in­form­a­tion in­cluded in this cat­egory may over­lap with oth­er cat­egor­ies.

    Col­lec­ted: No.

  • Cat­egory C: Pro­tec­ted clas­si­fic­a­tion char­ac­ter­ist­ics un­der Cali­for­nia or fed­er­al law.

    Ex­amples: Age (40 years or older), race, col­or, an­ces­try, na­tion­al ori­gin, cit­izen­ship, re­li­gion or creed, mar­it­al status, med­ic­al con­di­tion, phys­ic­al or men­tal dis­ab­il­ity, sex (in­clud­ing gender, gender iden­tity, gender ex­pres­sion, preg­nancy or child­birth and re­lated med­ic­al con­di­tions), sexu­al ori­ent­a­tion, vet­er­an or mil­it­ary status, ge­net­ic in­form­a­tion (in­clud­ing fa­mili­al ge­net­ic in­form­a­tion).

    Col­lec­ted: No.

  • Cat­egory D: Com­mer­cial in­form­a­tion.

    Ex­amples: Re­cords and his­tory of our products or ser­vices pur­chased or con­sidered.

    Col­lec­ted: Yes.

  • Cat­egory E: Bio­met­ric in­form­a­tion.

    Ex­amples: Ge­net­ic, physiolo­gic­al, be­ha­vi­or­al, and bio­lo­gic­al char­ac­ter­ist­ics, or act­iv­ity pat­terns used to ex­tract a tem­plate or oth­er iden­ti­fi­er or identi­fy­ing in­form­a­tion, such as, fin­ger­prints, fa­ce­prints, and voice­prints, iris or ret­ina scans, key­stroke, gait, or oth­er phys­ic­al pat­terns, and sleep, health, or ex­er­cise data.

    Col­lec­ted: No.

  • Cat­egory F: In­ter­net or oth­er sim­il­ar net­work act­iv­ity.

    Ex­amples: In­ter­ac­tion with our Ser­vice or ad­vert­ise­ment.

    Col­lec­ted: Yes.

  • Cat­egory G: Geo­loca­tion data.

    Ex­amples: Ap­prox­im­ate phys­ic­al loc­a­tion.

    Col­lec­ted: No.

  • Cat­egory H: Sens­ory data.

    Ex­amples: Au­dio, elec­tron­ic, visu­al, thermal, ol­fact­ory, or sim­il­ar in­form­a­tion.

    Col­lec­ted: No.

  • Cat­egory I: Pro­fes­sion­al or em­ploy­ment-re­lated in­form­a­tion.

    Ex­amples: Cur­rent or past job his­tory or per­form­ance ev­al­u­ations.

    Col­lec­ted: No.

  • Cat­egory J: Non-pub­lic edu­ca­tion in­form­a­tion (per the Fam­ily Edu­ca­tion­al Rights and Pri­vacy Act (20 U.S.C. Sec­tion 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part 99)).

    Ex­amples: Edu­ca­tion re­cords dir­ec­tly re­lated to a stu­dent main­tained by an edu­ca­tion­al in­sti­tu­tion or party act­ing on its be­half, such as grades, tran­scripts, class lists, stu­dent sched­ules, stu­dent iden­ti­fic­a­tion codes, stu­dent fin­an­cial in­form­a­tion, or stu­dent dis­cip­lin­ary re­cords.

    Col­lec­ted: No.

  • Cat­egory K: In­fer­en­ces drawn from oth­er per­son­al in­form­a­tion.

    Ex­amples: Pro­file re­flect­ing a per­son's pref­er­en­ces, char­ac­ter­ist­ics, psy­cho­lo­gic­al trends, pre­dis­pos­i­tions, be­ha­vi­or, at­ti­tudes, in­tel­li­gence, abil­it­ies, and aptitudes.

    Col­lec­ted: No.

Un­der CCPA, per­son­al in­form­a­tion does not in­clude:

  • Pub­licly avail­able in­form­a­tion from gov­ern­ment re­cords
  • Deiden­ti­fied or ag­greg­ated con­sumer in­form­a­tion
  • In­form­a­tion ex­cluded from the CCPA's scope, such as:
    • Health or med­ic­al in­form­a­tion covered by the Health In­sur­ance Port­ab­il­ity and Ac­count­ab­il­ity Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the Cali­for­nia Con­fid­en­ti­al­ity of Med­ic­al In­form­a­tion Act (CMIA) or clin­ic­al tri­al data
    • Per­son­al In­form­a­tion covered by cer­tain sec­tor-spe­cif­ic pri­vacy laws, in­clud­ing the Fair Cred­it Re­port­ing Act (FRCA), the Gramm-Leach-Bli­ley Act (GL­BA) or Cali­for­nia Fin­an­cial In­form­a­tion Pri­vacy Act (FIPA), and the Driver's Pri­vacy Pro­tec­tion Act of 1994

Sources of Per­son­al In­form­a­tion

We ob­tain the cat­egor­ies of per­son­al in­form­a­tion lis­ted above from the fol­low­ing cat­egor­ies of sources:

  • Dir­ec­tly from You. For ex­ample, from the forms You com­plete on our Ser­vice, pref­er­en­ces You ex­press or provide through our Ser­vice, or from Your pur­chases on our Ser­vice.
  • In­dir­ec­tly from You. For ex­ample, from ob­serving Your act­iv­ity on our Ser­vice.
  • Auto­mat­ic­ally from You. For ex­ample, through cook­ies We or our Ser­vice Pro­viders set on Your Device as You nav­ig­ate through our Ser­vice.
  • From Ser­vice Pro­viders. For ex­ample, third-party vendors to mon­it­or and ana­lyze the use of our Ser­vice, third-party vendors for pay­ment pro­cess­ing, or oth­er third-party vendors that We use to provide the Ser­vice to You.

Use of Per­son­al In­form­a­tion for Busi­ness Pur­poses or Com­mer­cial Pur­poses

We may use or dis­close per­son­al in­form­a­tion We col­lect for "busi­ness pur­poses" or "com­mer­cial pur­poses" (as defined un­der the CCPA), which may in­clude the fol­low­ing ex­amples:

  • To op­er­ate our Ser­vice and provide You with our Ser­vice.
  • To provide You with sup­port and to re­spond to Your in­quir­ies, in­clud­ing to in­vest­ig­ate and ad­dress Your con­cerns and mon­it­or and im­prove our Ser­vice.
  • To ful­fill or meet the reas­on You provided the in­form­a­tion. For ex­ample, if You share Your con­tact in­form­a­tion to ask a ques­tion about our Ser­vice, We will use that per­son­al in­form­a­tion to re­spond to Your in­quiry. If You provide Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion to pur­chase a product or ser­vice, We will use that in­form­a­tion to pro­cess Your pay­ment and fa­cil­it­ate de­liv­ery.
  • To re­spond to law en­force­ment re­quests and as re­quired by ap­plic­able law, court or­der, or gov­ern­ment­al reg­u­la­tions.
  • As de­scribed to You when col­lect­ing Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion or as oth­er­wise set forth in the CCPA.
  • For in­tern­al ad­min­is­trat­ive and audit­ing pur­poses.
  • To de­tect se­cur­ity in­cid­ents and pro­tect against ma­li­cious, de­cept­ive, fraud­u­lent or il­leg­al act­iv­ity, in­clud­ing, when ne­ces­sary, to pro­sec­ute those re­spons­ible for such act­iv­it­ies.

Please note that the ex­amples provided above are il­lus­trat­ive and not in­ten­ded to be ex­haust­ive. For more de­tails on how we use this in­form­a­tion, please refer to the "Use of Your Per­son­al Data" sec­tion.

If We de­cide to col­lect ad­di­tion­al cat­egor­ies of per­son­al in­form­a­tion or use the per­son­al in­form­a­tion We col­lec­ted for ma­ter­i­ally dif­fer­ent, un­re­lated, or in­com­pat­ible pur­poses We will up­date this Pri­vacy Policy.

Dis­clos­ure of Per­son­al In­form­a­tion for Busi­ness Pur­poses or Com­mer­cial Pur­poses

We may use or dis­close and may have used or dis­closed in the last twelve (12) months the fol­low­ing cat­egor­ies of per­son­al in­form­a­tion for busi­ness or com­mer­cial pur­poses:

  • Cat­egory A: Iden­ti­fi­ers
  • Cat­egory B: Per­son­al in­form­a­tion cat­egor­ies lis­ted in the Cali­for­nia Cus­tom­er Re­cords stat­ute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e))
  • Cat­egory D: Com­mer­cial in­form­a­tion
  • Cat­egory F: In­ter­net or oth­er sim­il­ar net­work act­iv­ity

Please note that the cat­egor­ies lis­ted above are those defined in the CCPA. This does not mean that all ex­amples of that cat­egory of per­son­al in­form­a­tion were in fact dis­closed, but re­flects our good faith be­lief to the best of our know­ledge that some of that in­form­a­tion from the ap­plic­able cat­egory may be and may have been dis­closed.

When We dis­close per­son­al in­form­a­tion for a busi­ness pur­pose or a com­mer­cial pur­pose, We enter a con­tract that de­scribes the pur­pose and re­quires the re­cip­i­ent to both keep that per­son­al in­form­a­tion con­fid­en­tial and not use it for any pur­pose ex­cept per­form­ing the con­tract.

Sale of Per­son­al In­form­a­tion

As defined in the CCPA, "sell" and "sale" mean selling, rent­ing, re­leas­ing, dis­clos­ing, dis­sem­in­at­ing, mak­ing avail­able, trans­fer­ring, or oth­er­wise com­mu­nic­at­ing or­ally, in writ­ing, or by elec­tron­ic or oth­er means, a con­sumer's per­son­al in­form­a­tion by the busi­ness to a third party for valu­able con­sid­er­a­tion. This means that We may have re­ceived some kind of be­ne­fit in re­turn for shar­ing per­son­al in­form­a­tion, but not ne­ces­sar­ily a mon­et­ary be­ne­fit.

Please note that the cat­egor­ies lis­ted be­low are those defined in the CCPA. This does not mean that all ex­amples of that cat­egory of per­son­al in­form­a­tion were in fact sold, but re­flects our good faith be­lief to the best of our know­ledge that some of that in­form­a­tion from the ap­plic­able cat­egory may be and may have been shared for value in re­turn.

We may sell and may have sold in the last twelve (12) months the fol­low­ing cat­egor­ies of per­son­al in­form­a­tion:

  • Cat­egory A: Iden­ti­fi­ers
  • Cat­egory B: Per­son­al in­form­a­tion cat­egor­ies lis­ted in the Cali­for­nia Cus­tom­er Re­cords stat­ute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e))
  • Cat­egory D: Com­mer­cial in­form­a­tion
  • Cat­egory F: In­ter­net or oth­er sim­il­ar net­work act­iv­ity

Share of Per­son­al In­form­a­tion

We may share Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion iden­ti­fied in the above cat­egor­ies with the fol­low­ing cat­egor­ies of third parties:

  • Ser­vice Pro­viders
  • Pay­ment pro­cessors
  • Our af­fil­i­ates
  • Our busi­ness part­ners
  • Third party vendors to whom You or Your agents au­thor­ize Us to dis­close Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion in con­nec­tion with products or ser­vices We provide to You

Sale of Per­son­al In­form­a­tion of Minors Un­der 16 Years of Age

We do not know­ingly col­lect per­son­al in­form­a­tion from minors un­der the age of 16 through our Ser­vice, al­though cer­tain third party web­sites that we link to may do so. These third-party web­sites have their own terms of use and pri­vacy policies and we en­cour­age par­ents and leg­al guard­i­ans to mon­it­or their chil­dren's In­ter­net us­age and in­struct their chil­dren to nev­er provide in­form­a­tion on oth­er web­sites without their per­mis­sion.

We do not sell the per­son­al in­form­a­tion of Con­sumers We ac­tu­ally know are less than 16 years of age, un­less We re­ceive af­firm­at­ive au­thor­iz­a­tion (the "right to opt-in") from either the Con­sumer who is between 13 and 16 years of age, or the par­ent or guard­i­an of a Con­sumer less than 13 years of age. Con­sumers who opt-in to the sale of per­son­al in­form­a­tion may opt-out of fu­ture sales at any time. To ex­er­cise the right to opt-out, You (or Your au­thor­ized rep­res­ent­at­ive) may sub­mit a re­quest to Us by con­tact­ing Us.

If You have reas­on to be­lieve that a child un­der the age of 13 (or 16) has provided Us with per­son­al in­form­a­tion, please con­tact Us with suf­fi­cient de­tail to en­able Us to de­lete that in­form­a­tion.

Your Rights un­der the CCPA

The CCPA provides Cali­for­nia res­id­ents with spe­cif­ic rights re­gard­ing their per­son­al in­form­a­tion. If You are a res­id­ent of Cali­for­nia, You have the fol­low­ing rights:

  • The right to no­tice. You have the right to be no­ti­fied which cat­egor­ies of Per­son­al Data are be­ing col­lec­ted and the pur­poses for which the Per­son­al Data is be­ing used.
  • The right to re­quest. Un­der CCPA, You have the right to re­quest that We dis­close in­form­a­tion to You about Our col­lec­tion, use, sale, dis­clos­ure for busi­ness pur­poses and share of per­son­al in­form­a­tion. Once We re­ceive and con­firm Your re­quest, We will dis­close to You:
    • The cat­egor­ies of per­son­al in­form­a­tion We col­lec­ted about You
    • The cat­egor­ies of sources for the per­son­al in­form­a­tion We col­lec­ted about You
    • Our busi­ness or com­mer­cial pur­pose for col­lect­ing or selling that per­son­al in­form­a­tion
    • The cat­egor­ies of third parties with whom We share that per­son­al in­form­a­tion
    • The spe­cif­ic pieces of per­son­al in­form­a­tion We col­lec­ted about You
    • If we sold Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion or dis­closed Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion for a busi­ness pur­pose, We will dis­close to You:
      • The cat­egor­ies of per­son­al in­form­a­tion cat­egor­ies sold
      • The cat­egor­ies of per­son­al in­form­a­tion cat­egor­ies dis­closed
  • The right to say no to the sale of Per­son­al Data (opt-out). You have the right to dir­ect Us to not sell Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion. To sub­mit an opt-out re­quest please con­tact Us.
  • The right to de­lete Per­son­al Data. You have the right to re­quest the de­le­tion of Your Per­son­al Data, sub­ject to cer­tain ex­cep­tions. Once We re­ceive and con­firm Your re­quest, We will de­lete (and dir­ect Our Ser­vice Pro­viders to de­lete) Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion from our re­cords, un­less an ex­cep­tion ap­plies. We may deny Your de­le­tion re­quest if re­tain­ing the in­form­a­tion is ne­ces­sary for Us or Our Ser­vice Pro­viders to:
    • Com­plete the trans­ac­tion for which We col­lec­ted the per­son­al in­form­a­tion, provide a good or ser­vice that You re­ques­ted, take ac­tions reas­on­ably an­ti­cip­ated with­in the con­text of our on­go­ing busi­ness re­la­tion­ship with You, or oth­er­wise per­form our con­tract with You.
    • De­tect se­cur­ity in­cid­ents, pro­tect against ma­li­cious, de­cept­ive, fraud­u­lent, or il­leg­al act­iv­ity, or pro­sec­ute those re­spons­ible for such act­iv­it­ies.
    • De­bug products to identi­fy and re­pair er­rors that im­pair ex­ist­ing in­ten­ded func­tion­al­ity.
    • Ex­er­cise free speech, en­sure the right of an­oth­er con­sumer to ex­er­cise their free speech rights, or ex­er­cise an­oth­er right provided for by law.
    • Com­ply with the Cali­for­nia Elec­tron­ic Com­mu­nic­a­tions Pri­vacy Act (Cal. Pen­al Code § 1546 et. seq.).
    • En­gage in pub­lic or peer-re­viewed sci­en­tif­ic, his­tor­ic­al, or stat­ist­ic­al re­search in the pub­lic in­terest that ad­heres to all oth­er ap­plic­able eth­ics and pri­vacy laws, when the in­form­a­tion's de­le­tion may likely render im­pos­sible or ser­i­ously im­pair the re­search's achieve­ment, if You pre­vi­ously provided in­formed con­sent.
    • En­able solely in­tern­al uses that are reas­on­ably aligned with con­sumer ex­pect­a­tions based on Your re­la­tion­ship with Us.
    • Com­ply with a leg­al ob­lig­a­tion.
    • Make oth­er in­tern­al and law­ful uses of that in­form­a­tion that are com­pat­ible with the con­text in which You provided it.
  • The right not to be dis­crim­in­ated against. You have the right not to be dis­crim­in­ated against for ex­er­cising any of Your con­sumer's rights, in­clud­ing by:
    • Deny­ing goods or ser­vices to You
    • Char­ging dif­fer­ent prices or rates for goods or ser­vices, in­clud­ing the use of dis­counts or oth­er be­ne­fits or im­pos­ing pen­al­ties
    • Provid­ing a dif­fer­ent level or qual­ity of goods or ser­vices to You
    • Sug­gest­ing that You will re­ceive a dif­fer­ent price or rate for goods or ser­vices or a dif­fer­ent level or qual­ity of goods or ser­vices

Ex­er­cising Your CCPA Data Pro­tec­tion Rights

In or­der to ex­er­cise any of Your rights un­der the CCPA, and if You are a Cali­for­nia res­id­ent, You can con­tact Us:

  • By vis­it­ing this page on our web­site: ht­tps://­tact/
  • By send­ing us an email: web­mas­

Only You, or a per­son re­gistered with the Cali­for­nia Sec­ret­ary of State that You au­thor­ize to act on Your be­half, may make a veri­fi­able re­quest re­lated to Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion.

Your re­quest to Us must:

  • Provide suf­fi­cient in­form­a­tion that al­lows Us to reas­on­ably veri­fy You are the per­son about whom We col­lec­ted per­son­al in­form­a­tion or an au­thor­ized rep­res­ent­at­ive
  • De­scribe Your re­quest with suf­fi­cient de­tail that al­lows Us to prop­erly un­der­stand, ev­al­u­ate, and re­spond to it

We can­not re­spond to Your re­quest or provide You with the re­quired in­form­a­tion if we can­not:

  • Veri­fy Your iden­tity or au­thor­ity to make the re­quest
  • And con­firm that the per­son­al in­form­a­tion relates to You

We will dis­close and de­liv­er the re­quired in­form­a­tion free of charge with­in 45 days of re­ceiv­ing Your veri­fi­able re­quest. The time peri­od to provide the re­quired in­form­a­tion may be ex­ten­ded once by an ad­di­tion­al 45 days when reas­on­ably ne­ces­sary and with pri­or no­tice.

Any dis­clos­ures We provide will only cov­er the 12-month peri­od pre­ced­ing the veri­fi­able re­quest's re­ceipt.

For data port­ab­il­ity re­quests, We will se­lect a format to provide Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion that is read­ily us­able and should al­low You to trans­mit the in­form­a­tion from one en­tity to an­oth­er en­tity without hindrance.

Do Not Sell My Per­son­al In­form­a­tion

You have the right to opt-out of the sale of Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion. Once We re­ceive and con­firm a veri­fi­able con­sumer re­quest from You, we will stop selling Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion. To ex­er­cise Your right to opt-out, please con­tact Us.

The Ser­vice Pro­viders we part­ner with (for ex­ample, our ana­lyt­ics or ad­vert­ising part­ners) may use tech­no­logy on the Ser­vice that sells per­son­al in­form­a­tion as defined by the CCPA law. If you wish to opt out of the use of Your per­son­al in­form­a­tion for in­terest-based ad­vert­ising pur­poses and these po­ten­tial sales as defined un­der CCPA law, you may do so by fol­low­ing the in­struc­tions be­low.

Please note that any opt out is spe­cif­ic to the browser You use. You may need to opt out on every browser that You use.


You can opt out of re­ceiv­ing ads that are per­son­al­ized as served by our Ser­vice Pro­viders by fol­low­ing our in­struc­tions presen­ted on the Ser­vice:

The opt out will place a cook­ie on Your com­puter that is unique to the browser You use to opt out. If you change browsers or de­lete the cook­ies saved by your browser, You will need to opt out again.

Mo­bile Devices

Your mo­bile device may give You the abil­ity to opt out of the use of in­form­a­tion about the apps You use in or­der to serve You ads that are tar­geted to Your in­terests:

  • "Opt out of In­terest-Based Ads" or "Opt out of Ads Per­son­al­iz­a­tion" on An­droid devices
  • "Lim­it Ad Track­ing" on iOS devices

You can also stop the col­lec­tion of loc­a­tion in­form­a­tion from Your mo­bile device by chan­ging the pref­er­en­ces on Your mo­bile device.

"Do Not Track" Policy as Re­quired by Cali­for­nia On­line Pri­vacy Pro­tec­tion Act (CalOPPA)

Our Ser­vice does not re­spond to Do Not Track sig­nals.

However, some third party web­sites do keep track of Your brows­ing act­iv­it­ies. If You are vis­it­ing such web­sites, You can set Your pref­er­en­ces in Your web browser to in­form web­sites that You do not want to be tracked. You can en­able or dis­able DNT by vis­it­ing the pref­er­en­ces or set­tings page of Your web browser.

Chil­dren's Pri­vacy

Our Ser­vice does not ad­dress any­one un­der the age of 13. We do not know­ingly col­lect per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­form­a­tion from any­one un­der the age of 13. If You are a par­ent or guard­i­an and You are aware that Your child has provided Us with Per­son­al Data, please con­tact Us. If We be­come aware that We have col­lec­ted Per­son­al Data from any­one un­der the age of 13 without veri­fic­a­tion of par­ent­al con­sent, We take steps to re­move that in­form­a­tion from Our serv­ers.

If We need to rely on con­sent as a leg­al basis for pro­cess­ing Your in­form­a­tion and Your coun­try re­quires con­sent from a par­ent, We may re­quire Your par­ent's con­sent be­fore We col­lect and use that in­form­a­tion.

Your Cali­for­nia Pri­vacy Rights (Cali­for­nia's Shine the Light law)

Un­der Cali­for­nia Civil Code Sec­tion 1798 (Cali­for­nia's Shine the Light law), Cali­for­nia res­id­ents with an es­tab­lished busi­ness re­la­tion­ship with us can re­quest in­form­a­tion once a year about shar­ing their Per­son­al Data with third parties for the third parties' dir­ect mar­ket­ing pur­poses.

If you'd like to re­quest more in­form­a­tion un­der the Cali­for­nia Shine the Light law, and if You are a Cali­for­nia res­id­ent, You can con­tact Us us­ing the con­tact in­form­a­tion provided be­low.

Cali­for­nia Pri­vacy Rights for Minor Users (Cali­for­nia Busi­ness and Pro­fes­sions Code Sec­tion 22581)

Cali­for­nia Busi­ness and Pro­fes­sions Code Sec­tion 22581 al­lows Cali­for­nia res­id­ents un­der the age of 18 who are re­gistered users of on­line sites, ser­vices or ap­plic­a­tions to re­quest and ob­tain re­mov­al of con­tent or in­form­a­tion they have pub­licly pos­ted.

To re­quest re­mov­al of such data, and if You are a Cali­for­nia res­id­ent, You can con­tact Us us­ing the con­tact in­form­a­tion provided be­low, and in­clude the email ad­dress as­so­ci­ated with Your ac­count.

Be aware that Your re­quest does not guar­an­tee com­plete or com­pre­hens­ive re­mov­al of con­tent or in­form­a­tion pos­ted on­line and that the law may not per­mit or re­quire re­mov­al in cer­tain cir­cum­stances.

Links to Oth­er Web­sites

Our Ser­vice may con­tain links to oth­er web­sites that are not op­er­ated by Us. If You click on a third party link, You will be dir­ec­ted to that third party's site. We strongly ad­vise You to re­view the Pri­vacy Policy of every site You vis­it.

We have no con­trol over and as­sume no re­spons­ib­il­ity for the con­tent, pri­vacy policies or prac­tices of any third party sites or ser­vices.

Changes to this Pri­vacy Policy

We may up­date Our Pri­vacy Policy from time to time. We will no­ti­fy You of any changes by post­ing the new Pri­vacy Policy on this page.

We will let You know via email and/or a prom­in­ent no­tice on Our Ser­vice, pri­or to the change be­com­ing ef­fect­ive and up­date the "Last up­dated" date at the top of this Pri­vacy Policy.

You are ad­vised to re­view this Pri­vacy Policy peri­od­ic­ally for any changes. Changes to this Pri­vacy Policy are ef­fect­ive when they are pos­ted on this page.

Con­tact Us

If you have any ques­tions about this Pri­vacy Policy, You can con­tact us:

  • By vis­it­ing this page on our web­site: ht­tps://­tact/
  • By send­ing us an email: web­mas­