Kit QuickBudget

Curious about costs to put up your Ferrocement Prefab Kit? Here's an example Construction Cost Estimate for an am-cor DIY project

Under Construction

See be­low for estimated costs on as­sem­bling am-cor Kits. Since industry prices have fluctuated drastically in recent years, please bear with us if things are a bit out of date, while we update & include more in­form­a­tion.

Lightweight panels for fast & easy assembly
Lightweight panels for fast & easy assembly

NB: Fig­ures be­low last up­dated 2020

Fin­ished Shell Budget

Elec­tric­al$4,000.00in­cludes lamps and fans
Plumb­ing$4,500.00in­cludes fix­tures
HVAC$4,500.00heat­ing, vent­il­at­ing, and air con­di­tion­ing
Ex­ter­i­ors$2,800.00gut­ters and ce­ment fin­ish coat
In­teri­ors$8,000.00dry­wall, paint, base­board, doors, hard­ware, floor­ing, etc.
Kit­chen/Bath/Laun­dry$7,000.00cab­in­etry & coun­ter­tops
$30,800.00Fin­ished shell

This es­tim­ated fin­ish cost of $30,800.00 de­liv­ers a com­pleted ex­ter­i­or & in­teri­or, ready for ap­pli­ances, ward­robes and fur­nish­ings.

Dried-In Shell Budget

Found­a­tions $1,000.00 ma­ter­i­al & labor for am-cor Found­a­tion
Floor Slab $4,000.00 ma­ter­i­al & labor for 4” con­crete slab
am-cor Mod­en Kit $35,000.00 Fer­ro­ce­ment pan­els, am­cor­ite, con­nect­ors, Field Manu­al
Kit Ma­ter­i­als $1,000.00 Port­land ce­ment, sand, wa­ter
Con­struc­tion Equip­ment $500.00 scaf­fold­ing, ce­ment mix­er, tools, etc.
Win­dows & Ex­ter­i­or Doors $4,000.00 stand­ard spe­cif­ic­a­tion
Kit Labor $4,000.00 small crew 2-3 days labor
In­su­la­tion $5,000.00 spray foam/aero­gel in­su­la­tion & in­stall­a­tion
Roof­ing $2,000.00 rub­ber­oid roof­ing & in­stall­a­tion
  $56,500.00 Dried-in shell


This es­tim­ated build­ing shell con­struc­tion cost of $56,500.00 de­liv­ers a se­cure, dis­as­ter-res­ist­ant, in­su­lated dried-in shell, ready for fin­ish­ing and ser­vice in­stall­a­tion.

Ac­cord­ing to RS MEANS, a com­pany that com­piles ac­tu­al con­struc­tion costs, the av­er­age USA cost of a 1,000 sq.ft. wood frame house would be about $131,250. (ex­clud­ing ap­pli­ances site­works, & over­heads). This sug­gests a 33% sav­ings us­ing the am-cor DIY meth­od.




Over­view: This is a sample con­struc­tion cost budget for as­sem­bling an am-cor Kit and fin­ish­ing out the build­ing, ex­clud­ing ap­pli­ances, site works & over­heads: $87,300.

Kit Data

Name Kit - 448
Price US $35,000
Info 1 Story, 2 bed, 2 bath, 1 half bath
Area 1000 sq.ft.


No site­works, flat land, no un­usu­al site con­di­tions, no site util­it­ies, con­struc­tion prac­tices de­tailed in the am-cor Field Manu­al, no build­er markup, no taxes, per­mits, fees, etc. Ac­tu­al build­ing costs may vary sig­ni­fic­antly per pro­ject and may not ne­ces­sar­ily fall with­in the range of gen­er­ic costs as cal­cu­lated. Please note that costs are rough es­tim­ates only, time sens­it­ive and not bind­ing as to a spe­cif­ic pro­ject.

Total Shell Budget

Dried-in shell $56,500  
Fin­ished shell $30,800  
  $87,300 Shell TOTAL


NB: This res­ults in a total con­struc­tion price of ap­prox­im­ately $87/sq.ft. for the 1000 sq.ft.  Mille Moden .


The am-cor Sys­tem gives a 30% sav­ings, com­pared to the na­tion­al av­er­age of ap­prox­im­ately $100/sq.ft. for ba­sic, res­id­en­tial build­er's spe­cif­ic­a­tion us­ing stand­ard con­struc­tion.

We es­tim­ate that a DIY Own­er-Build­er may be able to per­form much of the labor in­cluded in the $87,300 price as sweat-equity, thereby lower­ing pro­ject cost. 

Con­struc­tion budgets are gen­er­ic samples of ba­sic labor & ma­ter­i­al costs, and do not ap­ply to a spe­cif­ic pro­ject. They are based on av­er­age USA ma­ter­i­al & labor rates. They are sub­ject to change without no­tice and are not guar­an­teed.